A simple way to find out – try being (or becoming) your own customer.
Over the past 12 months many of the conversations I have had with large organisations has related to competency development. In every case, the organisation has a very comprehensive approach & catalogue of training assets, resources & frameworks. However, in recent months the business leaders are sounding less convinced they are getting what they want. The question that keeps coming up is “which competencies should we be focusing on?”. Some business leaders are clear in their mandate of the 2-3 priorities, while some organisations are completing profiling or assessments to uncover what each individual requires. In every case, I see the same potential flaw. Organisations are approaching this from what they believe are all the competencies each individual should have, rather than validating which specific execution behaviours are really missing (or not to the required proficiency). Just because a man knows how to fish, doesn’t mean he is out there catching them. Remember, your results are the outcomes of your customer behaviours. Your customer behaviours are the outcomes of your behaviours (what you do). If you want to change your results, you must change your behaviour. When you try becoming, or being, one of your own customers, you quickly learn which behaviours need to be changed.